Apple says we are all addicted to our phones, and they say they want to help cure us. 

The company unveiled new features in their latest upgrade to help kick the habit of constantly checking your phone.

The new tools let you monitor how much time you spend on your device and in certain applications, tell you how often you are picking up your phone and let you set a daily limit on how much you use your phone.

Psychiatrists agree that setting limits with your phone can help your mental health.

"Receiving regular bursts of dopamine, a sort of reward chemical in the brain from getting messages, notifications, etc., after you're getting repeated rewards if you stop getting those rewards it sometimes produces anxiety or depression," says Christopher P. Lucas, MD. MPH, Upstate Medical University adult psychiatry director. 

The new tools also allow parents to set limits for kid’s phones.

The iOS 12 upgrade will be released in September.