The four men arrested in last week's Columbus Day protest in Binghamton appeared in city court on Monday — which led to another protest.

Masai Andrews, Erik Goetz, Sham-Al-Din Yasin Harper and Jordan Helin all face charges of disorderly conduct.

They're accused of blocking last week's parade through the city.

Following their appearances, the Progressive Leaders of Tomorrow and several community action groups held a protest in front of city hall.

Many claimed Mayor Rich David is isolating and attempting to blacklist activists from the city.

"I think that that move is anti-democratic and it's trying to silence the legitimate voices of this community," said Shams Harper, who was arrested in the Columbus Day protest.

RELATED | Mayor Rich David Calls for Elected Officials to Condemn PLOT Following Protest

PLOT also spoke about alleged poor medical care at the Broome County Jail and the deaths that occurred in the past few years.

“This community is behind us,” said Harper. “It's behind the validity of what we're saying, and what we're saying is the Broome County Jail is killing us and we're saying that children are being harmed by the way Broome County treats people who go to jail."

All four were released and given new court dates so they could appear with council.