Experts with the National Weather Service of Binghamton say the above-average temperatures so far this fall are making it difficult to predict how much snow we're going to see this winter.

Last year, the Southern Tier was hit hard with a snow storm in December, which could happen again this year. But, as one meteorologist for the National Weather Center explains, we should be on the lookout for more than just snow storms.

"In the winter, we watch for ice jam flooding. So when we get a really cold snap in December and January, we can build up pretty thick ice, and if we get a big rain event in early spring, that can break up the river ice and cause ice jam flooding. So that's one thing to watch out for, as well," said meteorologist Michael Murphy. 

Before that snow actually hits our area, Murphy says it's important to be prepared for whatever may happen.

That includes having emergency kits in your home and in your car.