AUSTIN, Texas — A study at a UK traumatic stress clinic found 90% of participants who had survived an event when others had died reported experiencing feelings of guilt.

As a form of therapy for her and as a way to give back, an Austinite created SUPPORT UKRAINE candle products to raise money for charities. Kateryna Vasylyshyn was born in Ukraine and migrated to the U.S. as a child. She says her loved ones still in Ukraine are living in constant fear. Vasylyshyn does whatever she can to stay up to date with the latest news. 

"And I just see all the horrific images," Vasylyshyn said.

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, Vasylyshyn fights her own emotional battle with survivor's guilt.

"Sobbing in tears every morning when I would wake up. At night when I would go to bed, I would just be in a state of depression," Vasylyshyn said.

Neuropsychotherapist Bella Rockman says she has already had clients reach out for resources and coping mechanisms because of the war.

"It's a day-to-day process experiencing those phases of grief, allowing yourself to feel that and process that. And then for a lot of people, they find a lot of comfort in channeling that energy back into something meaningful," Rockman said. 

Vasylyshyn found a way to make an impact.

"I realized that we needed to do something to help the people of my country," she said. 

Vasylyshyn works with ForeverWick Candles. She created SUPPORT UKRAINE candle products to raise money for charities.

"That will support the people who are displaced that need your help just to see another day," Vasylyshyn said.